@wucwoevents | Linktree
1300 Rome Time = 6 AM CST
1800 Rome Time = 5 PM CST
Dear friends,
The World Women's Observatory (WWO) of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO), in the framework of our School of Synodality, invites you to participate in the "Conversations in the Spirit to be held next 23 April".
The Conversation in the Spirit model has been recommended for Synodal consultations as part of the Synod on Synodality and was used by the Synod delegates at the first session of the Synod General Assembly in Rome, in October 2023.
All Catholic faith communities have been encouraged to learn, practice and share this discernment model of encounter, active listening, shared silence and collaborative discernment of the Spirit as an integral step in promoting wider participation, deeper communion and increased attention on the Gospel mission and the presence of the living Spirit of God in all those who gather in the name of Christ.
We invite you to join a "Conversation in the Spirit" in small groups in different languages (English, Spanish and French), together with participants from more than 50 countries from five continents, to share your ideas, listen to the experiences and insights of others and discern on chapter 9 of the Synodal Assembly Synthesis document: "Women in the Life and Mission of the Church".
A synthesis of these meetings will be sent to the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops and will be publicly disclosed, thus contributing to make known women’s voices as to their participation and mission in the life of the Church, in view of the preparation for the second phase of the Synod on Synodality in October 2024.
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Two timetable options: 13 :00 - 15 :00 CET (Rome) 18 :00 - 20 :00 CET (Rome)
We share with you the link to register for the event:
Registration closes on 18 April at 23:59 CET (Rome). Limited places available.
Please find attached the flyer with information about the event and we thank you for the diffusion.